Community Connections
BASC coordinates a number of groups that focus on children’s mental health, educational success, family services and community resiliency. By sharing ideas and developing trust around the table, our partners are able to better address the needs of children and families

Panel for Academic and Social Success (PASS K12)
BASC facilitates PASS-K12 meetings where members meet to share ideas about how to increase school engagement of area youth. Local schools can apply for attendance incentive dollars, funded by BASC through a grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. During PASS K12, attendees learn about how each school is using that funding and what impact it is having. They also hear truancy court updates from the County Attorney’s Office and connect with County Social Services on truancy court case management and educational neglect interventions.
Membership: Administration and support staff at all schools in Beltrami County; Beltrami County Health and Human Services administration and case managers; Minnesota Department of Corrections--Juvenile Probation; Law Enforcement; Beltrami County Attorney’s Office; Tribal Court staff; and BASC.
Meetings: Three times throughout the academic year. Contact Brianna Hurlburt for meeting dates and times.
School-Based Mental Health Group
BASC facilitates the School-Based Mental Health Group and maintains a list of School-Based Mental Health services available at each school in the area.
This meeting serves to:
Ensure care coordination and integration within school systems to reduce duplication and fragmentation of services
Open up communication among partners
Provide an opportunity for problem solving
Assess effectiveness of service coordination and delivery
Strengthen partnerships
Review area agencies’ MN Department of Human Services School-Linked Mental Health grant status
Providing mental health supports during the school day eliminates the transportation barrier that so many families in our area face.
Membership: Administrators from mental health agencies, practitioners and professionals serving in schools, school district administrators, special education directors, school district social workers, counselors and psychologists, school district liaison to families in transition; Beltrami Area Service Collaborative.
Meetings: Monthly during the school year on the third Monday at 10:30 a.m. If you are interested in participating in School-Based Mental Health meetings, please contact Kim Anderson at
Bemidji Interdisciplinary Review Team
Bemidji Interdisciplinary Team (IRT) focuses on the service delivery system for families whose children are experiencing mental health challenges. IRT exists to: Identify obstacles to and opportunities for effective collaboration; identify gaps in services to families with children in need of mental health services; provide an opportunity for case consultation; and to provide an opportunity for sharing information regarding services, funding, training, and research.
Membership: Participants from area mental health agencies, youth- and family-serving organizations, Beltrami County Social Services, school district social work staff, Northwest Minnesota Juvenile Center, Minnesota Department of Corrections - Juvenile Probation, and Beltrami Area Service Collaborative.
Meetings: Monthly on the first Monday at noon. When a holiday falls on that Monday, IRT meets the following Monday. Contact if interested in attending.

Red Lake Collaboration for Children and Families
Red Lake Collaboration for Children and Families meets to identify obstacles to and opportunities for effective collaboration; identify gaps in services to families with children in need of mental health services living in Red Lake Nation; and to provide a forum for sharing information regarding services, funding, training, and research.
Membership: Representatives from Indian Health Services, Red Lake Public and Private Schools, Red Lake Corrections, Family and Children’s Services, Chemical Health, Red Lake Comprehensive Health Services, MN Department of Corrections Juvenile Probation, Beltrami Area Service Collaborative.
Meetings: Monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month during the school year from 1:00 - 2:00 via Zoom. Contact if interested in attending.
Beltrami Area Resiliency Team (BART)
In 2018 a statewide movement was launched to explore how communities could better support resiliency in Minnesota’s population. This initiative, dubbed More Resilient Minnesota, was implemented by Children's Mental Health and Family Service Collaboratives across the state.
Beltrami Area Service Collaborative (BASC) was the original organization in our county to initiate and dive into this project. In the summer of 2019, 75 local residents gathered for a community conversation about wellness as part of More Resilient Minnesota. During this conversation, participants recognized that voices were missing from the table, not only at this particular meeting but also as a persistent issue in community decision making. They collectively acknowledged that by not attaining broader representation, they were missing out on diversity and local wisdom on issues and challenges our community has been navigating for years.
Participants wanted to build community capacity to support resiliency by having more people represented, heard, and involved in community decisions. Thus, Beltrami Area Resiliency Team was launched.
The mission of the group is threefold:
​ Sharing widely the science of trauma, historical trauma, and resiliency and lead community conversation about these topics
Expanding the network of community members who will provide input on what is needed for a healthier, more resilient community
​Uniting this expanded network of community members to identify and implement strategies that will result in a healthier, more resilient community
To learn more about BART, visit